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Photo Color Correction

Many a times, we click once-in-a-lifetime pictures, only to realize that the image is blurred, distorted or dull, in short, not the way it was supposed to be. Old photos that need color correction, priceless pictures that need to be corrected are something that we deal day in and day out. Just send us that image and see what wonders we can do with it. Image color correction involves a vast knowledge of colors, color combination, matching of tones and shades, keeping the original image intact and improvising on the bad color and so on. We do that with a lot of understanding and gauge the requirement of the image before starting the work. Our team of color correction experts know exactly how to enhance the colors in the image and how to make the bad colors disappear to make the image print/reproduction-worthy.


Our photo color correction service covers the following aspects of color correction:

  • Contrast and thickness correction
  • Color diffusion
  • Color balance tone
  • Correction of color shine
  • Irregularity of an image


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